Top Ranked charlie sheen quotes by jmama (View Consensus)
1. i am on a drug. it's called charlie sheen
it's not available because if you try it, you will die. your face will melt off, and your children will weep over your exploded body.
2. here's the good news. if i realize that i'm insane, then i'm okay with it. i'm not dangerous insane
3. boom, crush. night, losers. winning, duh.
4. if you’re a part of my family, i will love you violently
5. the only thing i’m addicted to right now is winning
6. i dare anyone to debate me on things
7. there are parts of me that are dennis hopper
8. look at me. duh
when asked if he was on drugs
9. [that way of life] was written for normal people, people who aren't special, people who don't have t
10. wow. what does that mean? i’m bi-winning
when asked if he was bipolar
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